Engadine Public School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Telephone02 9520 8559


Engadine Public School hosts International Principals

A delegation of 18 visitors (mostly Principals) from the Netherlands came to Engadine Public School on Tuesday 21 February.  They wished to see the research of John Hattie in action. After a short introduction to the school, and meeting all the staff, the student leadership team led small groups of visitors to various classrooms for discussions with students and teachers about Visible Learning in action.  Our school has actively used the research  of Hattie and Wiliams to develop personal learning goals with students, and target improvement through the use of data walls. The use of formative assessment and formative feedback from self reflections, peer conferencing and teacher intervention has made a real difference to students' individual ownership of their learning. Student understanding of their next steps in learning has improved their use of metalanguage, increased their active engagement in learning tasks and resulted in improved learning outcomes.  The visitors commented with amazement at the authenticity of their experience, and really valued the opportunity to talk with students about their goals and learning. We are proud of our school, its staff and our students!